Minutes – September 20, 2018

Attendees: Darla Hamlin, Kelly Scott, Michael Babin, Marilyn Matthews, Thaddeus Day, Audrey Lohnes, Alan and Karen Morrison, Linc Merrill

Darla P Hamlin called meeting to order at 5:40 pm with introductions around the table.

Thaddeus Day introduced Kathleen O’Donnell, our featured speaker from SCORE, formerly Service Core of Retired Executives, now known as SCORE, due to MANY of the mentors / volunteers being younger and active in the workplace. Website is www.score.org.
SCORE was founded in 1964 in association with SBA, they are not consultants, they are mentors who advise and direct. They provided a list of free workshops offered to all individuals and small business owners. The only workshop they charge for is QuickBooks. Nationwide they are the largest business mentoring organization, they recruit volunteers who have specialty business knowledge, to aid start up entrepreneurs in forming a business plan, obtaining financing, marketing strategies, etc. They can provide outreach to rural businesses as well through videochat meetings. Maine benefits from this greatly as the State is LARGELY made up of small businesses. While startup firms may have great ideas for a product or service, sometimes SCORE staff can outline the realities of what their costs, challenges will be. They also offer “StartSmart” for immigrants who are starting businesses and need translators.

NYBA membership continues to grow, ending our last season with approx. 40 member businesses.

Motion to accept minutes as published in draft for March and May 2018, seconded and approved.

Treasury report lists $4141.47 balance, Darla doing this work at present, soon to turn Treasurer duties over to Lisa Stoddard of Stones Café.

Nomination made for Kelly Scott to assume Vice President’s position in place of Karen Morrison, motioned, second, and unanimously approved.

Suggestion made to institute paypal option for dues collection, Darla will research. Also noted we’d like to line up speakers WELL in advance in order to announce who the speaker will be when meeting reminders go out. This may draw more membership interest as well. Kelly Scott will work on revision of our membership application, in the membership role, to do away with references, as most members are recommended / referred by trusted sources. Kelly is expecting !!!! Congratulations !

News: Marilyn Matthews announced John Henninges is now an affiliate of Averill LIfe & Health, specializing in programs for seniors ie: Medicare programs, supplements, RX plans, etc. Linc Merrill will participate in the Demolition Derby at the Cumberland Fair for Patriot Ins. CO., AND, North Yarmouth Academy is honoring Linc and Kim Merrill on 9/28/18 in naming their lower school for the Merrills, who have supported the school for many years. It will be named the “Merrill Lower School.” Many congratulations Linc and Kim, well deserved.

We will determine holiday efforts to engage in this year, group gathering perhaps to again support community shut-ins as in 2017.

Our next meeting will be October 18, 2018 at Toddy Brook Golf Club. 5:30 PM Kevin Desmond from Talent Rebellion will be our guest speaker. Meeting adjourned 7:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted

Marilyn Matthews