Minutes 9/13/12

North Yarmouth Business Association

Toddy Brook Golf Club Meeting Room

Minutes September 13, 2012

Attendance Michael Babin, Marilyn Matthews, Brian Bartlett, Leslie Taisey, Darla Hamlin, Margie Hansel, Mary Conroy, Alan and Karen Morrison.     Meeting called to order 7:05 am
Presentation Marilyn Matthews introduced guest speaker Sue Austin to the group. Sue is a lifelong resident of Gray, Maine and is running for reelection as State Representative District #109 which includes portions of No Yarmouth, Gray, and Pownal.   Sue previously served for six years as part of the Business Research & Economic Development Committee.  With the shift under new State administration, Sue feels she can rely on her past legislative experience to make a difference in programs that control spending, cut taxes, reduce fraud, lessen regulation on small businesses, and promote responsible fiscal management at the state level.  She sees light at the end of the tunnel for small business, and wants to participate in that change.   High on this list is health ins. reform, welfare reform, and reduction in duplication of services.  She feels while term limits do have merit, the current limits create a culture that lacks “institutional memory.”  She also feels a balanced budget and less “misspending” would be a huge in providing more help for small business.  Her goal is to provide ground level support to State leadership, to be sure things are getting done.  Sue can be reached at 657-4100 or visit her website at www.sueaustin.org.The rest of attendees then introduced themselves to Sue and outlined their respective business operations.
Approval of the Minutes for 8//2012 meeting was postponed.  Marilyn directed attendees to view minutes at website.  She will send reminder out once minutes are published each month.
Discussion Fun Day was well attended this year and we discussed the fact that three additional apps were taken by prospective members.  We welcomed Alan and Karen Morrison to their first meeting.  They own and operate Morrison Environmental on Mountfort Rd in North Yarmouth, specializing in services to large institutions like schools, hospitals, colleges, etc. for permitting, compliance and advice on how to control pollution.  They keep tabs for clients on DEP law changes such as the recent change on boiler emmissions, as DEP itself doesn’t reach out to owners.North Yarmouth Fire Dept is looking for more volunteers, & is offering a free EMT course !!   See the town site for details and dates!Brochures provided by Audrey Lones encourage residents to attend the 9/19/12 meeting of North Yarmouth Charter Commission!  7:00 PM at Town Office meeting room.  The questions at hand regard whether Town wants a manager instead of admin. asst, should the board have more members, should the town meeting date be changed, and should the board of selectmen have legislative authority?  Also some discussion may take place on withdrawal from SAD51.
Reports Treasurer Leslie Taisey reported bank balance of  $1196.17 at present, and she is depositing $250. more this week in renewal dues, receipt of which has been excellent.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 AM — with many attendees remaining afterward for added discussion.  Next meeting will be held Oct 11th at Toddy Brook Cafe.

Respectfully Submitted: Marilyn Matthews, Secretary