Minutes June 14, 2012

North Yarmouth Business Association

Toddy Brook Golf Club Meeting Room


Attendance Michael Babin, Margie Hansel, Marilyn Matthews, Brian Bartlett, Janice Selig, meeting began 7:05.
Presentation Guest speaker and new member Brian Bartlett is a financial advisor with Edward Jones. He specializes in retirement planning through investments, and financial services.  He assists clients in saving money through tax deferred savings, financial strategies, and benefit plans.  Brian works with both individuals and businesses, helping them implement tax shelters, college savings plans, and showing them what investment programs suit their particular goals.  He explained the difference between Roth and Traditional IRAs.  Additionally, he can assist people who are selling businesses to produce a secure future stream of income.  With the backup of Edward Jones analyst staff, Brian does all his own market research to determine which stocks, bonds, or mutual funds to recommend.  He makes it a practice to meet with each of his clients at least yearly to maintain strong controls on how their plans are performing. Welcome Brian to NYBA!!!


Introductions Each NYBA member attending introduced themselves and their business. Minutes of the May 10, 2012 meeting were approved.
Discussion Following up May’s discussion on connecting to the Town meeting, Marilyn will make up member sheets and give to Margie / Janice with the Banner to be set up at the Town Meeting.   We also talked about a door to door mailer to raise awareness of our group again.   The Funday brochure ad was discussed and it was largely felt we should do at least a half, if not a full page ad.  We talked about making a more significant effort to create a presence at OTHER events that draw more people rather than a “trade show” of our own.  Things like Cider Days, Fundraisers, Skyline Farm, the Historical Society, all might draw larger crowds in which to set up a booth and draw more members.
Reports Treasurer Leslie Taisey was not present, with no expenditures since last month, account balance should be $1041.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 AM — Next meeting will be held July 12, 2012 at Toddy Brook Cafe.

Respectfully Submitted: Marilyn Matthews, Secretary